52 year old male with thrombocytopenia and pyrexia

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio.


A 52 year old male who is a toddy collector by occupation and resident of Nalgonda came to OPD on 8/6/22 with the chief complaints of fever since 4 days,
decreased appetite since 3days,
tightness of abdomen since 3days.

History of present illness:

-Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days ago. He then developed fever of low grade, sudden in onset, gradually progressive and relieved on medication. 
-He also had complaints of abdominal distension which was gradual and progressive in nature. It is associated with pain. Abdominal pain aggravated on intake of liquids, solids. 
- abdominal tightness is also present. 
-Patient then approached local RMP and was given medication for 4 days. But symptoms recurred the next day. 

No history of rashes ,bleeding tendencies
No history of headache ,vomitings, generalised body pains
No history of loose stools , pain abdomen
No history of weight loss

Past history
      Not a k/c/o DM ,HTN, TB,ASTHMA,cva, cad

 Personal history :
  Diet :mixed 
  Appetite : normal
  Sleep  : adequate
  Bowel and bladder movements:regular
  Occasional alcoholic & toddy intake

Family history :
  Not significant 

General examination:
Patient is consious, coherent, cooperative.
No signs of icterus, pallor,clubbing, lymphadenopathy, edema.

Temp: 98.6 F
PR: 84 bpm
RR: 20 cpm
Grbs: 115 mg/dl
Spo2: 98%

Systemic examination
 Per Abdomen 
Skin - smooth (scar from childhood)
Shape - distended
Umbilicus - normal
Abdominal wall movements - present
No visible pulsations and peristaltic movements seen. 

Tenderness - mild
No rise of temperature
Liver - not palpable
Spleen - mild palpable 
Gall bladder - not palpable
Kidneys - not palpable

Liver - dull note
Spleen - dull note
No shifting dullness, fluid thrill. 

Bowel sounds heard.
No bruit. 


The chest wall is bilaterally symmetrical.
No dilated veins, scars or sinuses are seen
Apical impulse or pulsations can be appreciated in sixth intercostal space 2cms lateral to mid clavicular line

Apical impulse is felt in the sixth intercostal space, 2 cm away from the midclavicular line
No parasternal heave or thrills are felt 

Right and left borders of the heart are percussed 

S1 and S2 heard, no added thrills and murmurs are heard

Chest is bilaterally symmetrical
The trachea is positioned centrally
Apical impulse is not appreciated 
Chest moves normally with respiration
No dilated veins, scars or sinuses are seen

Trachea is felt in the midline 
Chest moves equally on both sides 
Apical impulse is felt in the sixth intercostal space 
Tactile vocal fremitus- appreciated 

The areas percussed include the supraclavicular, infraclavicular, mammary, axillary, infraaxillary, suprascapular, infrascapular areas.
They are all resonant.

Normal vesicular breath sounds are heard

Central nervous system: 
No abnormalities detected



Blood urea-59
Serum creatinine-1.6
 Serum Electrolytes-
    Na+ :141
    K+    :3.9
    Cl-   :103

    Total bilirubin -1.27
     Direct bilirubin -0.44
      Total protein-5.9
      A/G ratio-1.48
    ALbumin- ++
    Pus cells -4.6
    Epithelial cells:2-3

Fatty liver (grade 2)
Mild splenomegaly
Mild pleural effusion in right lungs

 Provisional diagnosis: 
 -viral pyrexia with thrombocytopenia

Plan of treatment:
1. Ivf NS/RL/DNS continuous at 100ml/hr
2. Inj. PAN 40mg IV BD 
3. inj. ZOFER 4mg IV/SOS
4. Inj. NEOMOL 1gm IV/SOS
5. Tab. PCM 650 mg PO/ SOS
6. Inj. OPTINEURON 1 AMP in 100ml NS IV/OD over 30mins

8 am 
O/E :
  Pt is conscious,coherent ,cooperative
Temp: 103 F 
Bp: 120/ 70mmhg
Pr: 90 bpm
RR: 24 cpm


  S1, S2 heard. No murmurs heard. 

   Bilateral air entry present

Per abdomen:
 Soft, mild tenderness
 Shape: distended
 Bowel sounds heard.

Iv fluids - Ns/RL @100 ml/hr
Inj.pan 40 mg iv/OD
Inj.optineuron 1 amp in 100 ml/Ns/iv/OD over 30 mins 
Inj.zofer 4mg/iv/sos 
Tab.doxycycline 100mg PO/BD 
VITALS monitoring 

Iv fluids - NS,RL@100 ml/hr
Inj.pan 40 mg iv/oD
Tab.doxycycline 100 mg Po/BD
Inj zofer 1 amp iv/sos
Inj.optineuron 1 amp in 100 ml Ns/iv/OD over 30 mins 
VITALS monitoring 4 th hourly

Iv fluids - NS,RL@100 ml/hr
Inj.pan 40 mg iv/oD
Tab.doxycycline 100 mg Po/BD
Inj zofer 1 amp iv/sos
Inj.optineuron 1 amp in 100 ml Ns/iv/OD over 30 mins
DOLO 650mg /sos 
VITALS monitoring 
    Reference blog 



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